The Hyde's Green Pledge
The TEFAT Green Curriculum is arranged around four interlinking sustainability themes and each Academy is committed to reflect one theme in their own setting. These are Green Systems, Green Regeneration and Diversity, Green Communities and Green Citizens.
This is a way of teaching and learning that puts the environment and sustainability at the heart of the curriculum.
The Hyde’s Curriculum Commitment in 2023-24 is to Green Systems.
This year we will:
Use our newly created garden for the teaching of Science across the school, promoting first hand experiences across the subject, including topics such as Plants, Animals including humans and Living Things and their Habitats.
Introduce our new cartoon 'Green Superhero' and their green stars, who will help the school make clear links between green sustainability and their Science curriculum.
Work to reduce the amount of food waste we produce as a school.
Year 1 creating homes for minibeasts. "If we have bugs, then bigger bugs will eat them and maybe we'll have more animals come to visit our school and eat those bugs."
Tree Planting
We were donated saplings from one of our parents and carers who owns an allotment. We spades in our hands and smiles on our faces, we got to work!
The Hyde's Green Pledge
The TEFAT Green Curriculum is arranged around four interlinking sustainability themes and each Academy is committed to reflect one theme in their own setting. These are Green Systems, Green Regeneration and Diversity, Green Communities and Green Citizens.
This is a way of teaching and learning that puts the environment and sustainability at the heart of the curriculum.
The Hyde’s Curriculum Commitment in 2023-24 is to Green Systems.
This year we will:
Use our newly created garden for the teaching of Science across the school, promoting first hand experiences across the subject, including topics such as Plants, Animals including humans and Living Things and their Habitats.
Introduce our new cartoon 'Green Superhero' and their green stars, who will help the school make clear links between green sustainability and their Science curriculum.
Work to reduce the amount of food waste we produce as a school.
Year 1 creating homes for minibeasts. "If we have bugs, then bigger bugs will eat them and maybe we'll have more animals come to visit our school and eat those bugs."
Tree Planting
We were donated saplings from one of our parents and carers who owns an allotment. We spades in our hands and smiles on our faces, we got to work!
The Hyde's Green Pledge
The TEFAT Green Curriculum is arranged around four interlinking sustainability themes and each Academy is committed to reflect one theme in their own setting. These are Green Systems, Green Regeneration and Diversity, Green Communities and Green Citizens.
This is a way of teaching and learning that puts the environment and sustainability at the heart of the curriculum.
The Hyde’s Curriculum Commitment in 2023-24 is to Green Systems.
This year we will:
Use our newly created garden for the teaching of Science across the school, promoting first hand experiences across the subject, including topics such as Plants, Animals including humans and Living Things and their Habitats.
Introduce our new cartoon 'Green Superhero' and their green stars, who will help the school make clear links between green sustainability and their Science curriculum.
Work to reduce the amount of food waste we produce as a school.
Year 1 creating homes for minibeasts. "If we have bugs, then bigger bugs will eat them and maybe we'll have more animals come to visit our school and eat those bugs."
Tree Planting
We were donated saplings from one of our parents and carers who owns an allotment. We spades in our hands and smiles on our faces, we got to work!